About RitaVPN

5.1 How does RitaVPN secure my data?

  • Encryption:

RitaVPN adopts CA authentication system (use asymmetric cryptography). The biggest advantage of asymmetric cryptography system is extremely high security. RitaVPN provides 1024-bit asymmetric key algorithms to secure users’ authentication while communicating with the gateway server. In addition, RitaVPN adopts MD5 message-digest algorithm to process data, which ensures data integrity.

  • VPN protocols:

RitaVPN adopts OpenVPN protocol which uses SSL technology to greatly secure user data.

  • DNS protection:

If you are trying to use a VPN service to keep your online activities secure and private, all traffic from your computer must be routed over that VPN network. This includes DNS requests that will be routed through a VPN tunnel to your VPN provider’s DNS server, not your ISP’s server. However, DNS requests may return to the default DNS server for some reason, which allows your ISP to see which sites you are visiting, leaving it vulnerable to data breaches.

When you use RitaVPN, your device will only use DNS servers operated entirely by RitaVPN. Thus, you don’t have to worry about your confidential information being leaked and intercepted by third parties.

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